Saturday, January 9, 2010

Poetically Inclined

I use to be real big on poetry & out of no where I all of a sudden lost my mojo. I'm not sure if it was writers block, if the creative juices just weren't flowing properly or if I just wasn't that enthused with anything to write about it. Either way, the last time I wrote a poem was January 2009... Yes, a whole year ago & I've finally written my newest piece. But what a way to start off my year, all in my freakin' feelings?! This poem is about my love & it's many twists & turns & through it all my love still remains solid... I haven't titled it yet, but here goes...

Love is my best friend & my worst enemy,
It gives me life & then it kills me softly,
I didn't choose it, love chose me,
It stole my heart & is holding it hostage in it's captivity.

It brings me joy that could overflow throughout a lifetime,
& such excruciating pain, I wish I could erase it from my mind,
But it's irrelevant, the pain that love can cause,
Because I'm addicted to the feeling of the fall,
Without it I'm strung out... Just sick,
I'm constantly feening, longing for my next fix.

I hope one day my love & I can officially join forces,
Because my love & his combined can move mountains,
& if I have to wait for him forever, I'll forever be counting,
Counting down the days,
Promise to never go astray,
Love is forever & he will own the rights to my heart always.

But see, our love is jaded & has many complications,
He currently has ties with an additional party who wasn't supposed to be a part of the equation,
She reeled my love in with her bait as persuasion,
& has strung him along for years with the game of manipulation.

My love is there & I am here,
But I would swim across this country to where my heart lives,
Like Beyonce "I wanna run... Smash into you",
Never let go of you,
I'd rather live in you,
That way I'd never have to part from you.

So many barriers to be broken to get to where we need to be,
Sick of this distance & living a life of infidelity,
But I sacrifice myself & my feelings for what's most sacred to me,
Him & this love that controls every ounce of my being,
But will his love for me ever overpower all these outside things?
Distractions & minute things that keep him from focusing,
That keep us going through this cycle ending up back at the beginning,
Where no one in this situation is winning.

But I've stood here... Planted my feet,
Like he once said "I've got that tunnel vision, he's all I see",
He wanted to make me love him forever & it's definitely working,
Every moment we spend, talk or I think about him, he's got my cheeks hurting,
Damn, right now I'm smurking...

So I don't care if I'm wrong,
There must be a happy ending to our love song,
Love is right in my path, in my grasp & me & him belong,
I've been anticipating this for so long,
So I pray that he doesn't dissapear again because he'll forever be gone,
I just can't take another second of this being prolonged.

Yes, our love is tainted but this is fate,
Where ever my love is, is my favorite place,
Because wrapped up in his love is where I feel most safe,
Just want to be able to turn over or look up & see love staring me in the face,
But I've done enough of pleading my case,
& contrary to what some may believe, this love will never be considered a waste,
& regardless of what the outcome is, it's a love that could never be replaced.