Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh Heidi!

This past Tuesday was the season premiere of the final season of the MTV hit television show "The Hills". & just like everyone else I was tuned in, especially to see the results of all of this plastic suregry Heidi Montag was rumored to have had. But rumors they were not! Within the first 10 minutes of the show they avoided showing Heidi's face until she arrived in her hometown to see her parents for the first time since having all of these surgeries. & just as her mother did I wanted to cry when I saw what she had done to her once beautiful face. Heidi stated that she had an eyebrow lift, her cheeks done, her nose done over, injections in her lips, her chin shaped, her breast done, her back shaped & liposuction. That's over five unnecessary cosmetic procedures and she literally looks plastic! You can't see any type of emotion in her face because nothing on her face moves.

But Heidi claims that she's happy with the final product after having these surgeries, even though she says that she wants even bigger breast than she has now. But I just can't fathom how she can look in the mirror & love what she sees. In my opinion she was much more beautiful before & now, in all honesty she looks scary! But it seems to be true what they say, that cosmetic surgery is addicting & once you get one minor thing done you start finding a million other things about yourself that you want to change. I say keep it the way GOD made it! He created you a specific way for a reason. It makes no sense at all to me to risk your life to have something done that isn't medically needed. All in all, I really hope that Heidi seeks the help she needs, because it's obvious that she has some serious self-esteem issues that she needs to deal with. Confidence comes from within & if you're unhappy with yourself there is nothing any surgery is going to do to help fix that.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Music For The Soul

I actually first heard this Sara Bareilles song "Gravity" for the first time at the dance studio where I work & I immediately fell in love with the song. I can definietly relate to the song & her voice is so soothing... Here you will see her perform "Gravity" on Stripped, which is one of my favorite shows to see artist perform.

But I'm completely in love with Adele. & I first discovered her through Solange Knowles' blog site. She had a link to one of her performances on there & Solange spoke about this new, up & coming artist who was so talented. & Adele is nothing less than amazing! I watched the video & I ran out to go purchase her debut album titled "19". Her voice is so unique & completely breath taking. Here I have her performing one of my fav songs of her's called "Hometown Glory".

Monday, April 26, 2010


I've been struggling with this poem for my creative writing class for about a week now & I finally completed it! The type of poem is called a Sestina & it has a certain out line that you have to follow to write the poem, so it was a little difficult for me. I'm use to just free styling & writing what I feel when I write, so when you start throwing rules at me I get a little frustrated. But I must say I kind of like the finished product. There are six words that have to repeat throughout the poem & in a certain order so let me just give you guys the setup of the poem...

1 2 3 4 5 6
6 1 5 2 4 3
3 6 4 1 2 5
5 3 2 6 1 4
4 5 1 3 6 2
2 4 6 5 3 1
(1 2) (3 5) (4 6)

So there you have how this ish works. & another thing that bothered me is the fact that the poem isn't supposed to rhyme, which feels crazy & insane to me! But here is my first ever Sestina titled "Many Men" which is about going through trials & tribulations within different relationships that lead up to meeting Mr. Right, Prince Charming or whatever you want to call him. LOL!

Sestina/ Many Men

I've been in relationships with many men,
& all that seems to part from their lips are lies,
Plus, they act like it's human nature to cheat,
I end up with a broken heart when what I was searching for is love,
You know, a relationship that's genuine & real,
& only when I find that can my heart be at peace.

I need consistency, stability & peace,
But so much for finding that with these trifling ass men,
I guess I can't expect everyone to be like me & keep it real,
But does 99.9% of the things you say have to be lies?
I was such a sucker for so called “love”,
In some situations I even stuck around after they cheat.

& after being betrayed at some point I'd be the one to cheat,
Thinking that it would bring me some type of comfort or peace,
When in actuality I was stooping to the level of the one I love,
But there was nothing fulfilling about messing with random men,
& now I'm the one feeding all the lies,
When I use to be the one who was always honest & real.

I take it as a lesson & now I can tell the fake from the real,
& if I've been hurt & feel like it's too much, I'll leave before I cheat,
Never again will I put up with all kinds of bull shit & lies,
I'll only settle for a man that will put my heart at ease & at peace,
I've had my share of good & bad men,
So I'll definitely know when I come across real love.

So I think I've finally found my love,
Our bond is indescribable & so real,
It's like he's out of a fairytale & can't be compared to any other men,
He's faithful... Definitely not a cheat,
He makes me feel secure & he's what keeps me at peace,
He's just like a best friend so there's no need for lies.

If I said I wasn't head over heels it would be nothing but lies,
Never in my life, for one individual have I felt so much love,
& I get the love in return so that fills me with joy & peace,
I know this all may sound so mushy, but it's nothing less than real,
If this were a game to win his heart is the only way I'd cheat,
I've got this tunnel vision now, I don't see any other men.

I'll say it again, that I've had my share of many men & their back stabbing & lies,
Who cheat on a regular basis & are incapable of keeping it real,
But I've been through all of that to finally find my love & be at peace.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why Did I Get Married Too?

While I was away in California my <3 & I went to see the sequel to one of my favorite movies... "Why Did I Get Married." Initially, I wasn't in love with Part Two like I was with the first one, because in the original "Why Did I Get Married" the characters went through all of this drama, trials, tribulations & turmoil to turn around & make peace & have a happy ending. & for those of you who have seen the movie know that part two is nothing like that. Overall, the movie was excellent, but I wasn't too thrilled with the ending. The character Gavin dying was the last thing that I wanted or expected. I just knew that this was a phase that him & Patricia were going through, but at the end of the day I thought that they would end up working it out & staying together. Patricia's last words to Gavin were words that did nothing but hurt & belittle him. & now she feels like she caused the death of her child & her husband. There was just nothing happy about this ending.

But regardless, there was definitely a message behind this movie, which is no surprise because Tyler Perry always has a positive message within his plays & movies. & just as everyone thought that Mr. Perry's stories were oh so typical & all the same, he proved us all wrong. I don't think anyone saw this coming. But what I took from this movie is that tomorrow is never promised. Why waste time on the pettiest things & waste our breath arguing when we should be loving eachother? You never know what could happen from one minute to the next, so fix things with the one's you love while you have the chance! Stop taking the time you have here on earth for granted because you could blink & you or someone you love can have their life taken from them. So apologize to the one you hurt, let go of that grudge you've been holding on to from when someone hurt you, & whoever it is you love & care about let them know! BTW, I can't wait to see Part 3...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jay & Bee

Oh how I love & adore these two together <3 I fell in love with this performance that they did together... Jay-Z & Beyonce performing "Forever Young" at Coachella.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It's funny how the way you perceive someone can change with just a few words & trust can go out the window with one wrong action. But as quickly as things can change, the hardest thing you could ever do is regain someone's trust... In the midst of the healing process & not sure if I'll ever be able to trust again...

-- Post From My iPhone