This past Tuesday was the season premiere of the final season of the MTV hit television show "The Hills". & just like everyone else I was tuned in, especially to see the results of all of this plastic suregry Heidi Montag was rumored to have had. But rumors they were not! Within the first 10 minutes of the show they avoided showing Heidi's face until she arrived in her hometown to see her parents for the first time since having all of these surgeries. & just as her mother did I wanted to cry when I saw what she had done to her once beautiful face. Heidi stated that she had an eyebrow lift, her cheeks done, her nose done over, injections in her lips, her chin shaped, her breast done, her back shaped & liposuction. That's over five unnecessary cosmetic procedures and she literally looks plastic! You can't see any type of emotion in her face because nothing on her face moves.

But Heidi claims that she's happy with the final product after having these surgeries, even though she says that she wants even bigger breast than she has now. But I just can't fathom how she can look in the mirror & love what she sees. In my opinion she was much more beautiful before & now, in all honesty she looks scary! But it seems to be true what they say, that cosmetic surgery is addicting & once you get one minor thing done you start finding a million other things about yourself that you want to change. I say keep it the way GOD made it! He created you a specific way for a reason. It makes no sense at all to me to risk your life to have something done that isn't medically needed. All in all, I really hope that Heidi seeks the help she needs, because it's obvious that she has some serious self-esteem issues that she needs to deal with. Confidence comes from within & if you're unhappy with yourself there is nothing any surgery is going to do to help fix that.
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