We are closing out the first decade of the new millennium & though most people call it a "New Year's Resolution", I just like to set goals for myself to accomplish throughout the upcoming year. This year, for real this time! I'm going to try my best to get over my fear of driving & finally learn how to drive. Whew... This is going to be a long hard road but I know I can conquer this fear! I'm about to turn 23 years old & I've come to the realization that knowing how to drive is a necessity. I really need it to get through my everyday life because it becomes more difficult for me to get certain things done not being able to get myself from one place to another.
My education is very important to me because I know that it's essential to have if I want to succeed in life. & even though I'm aware of this I really hate to study. This year I'm putting aside a set amount of time to myself for me to study everyday & as a result of hitting the books everyday I hope to make all A's & B's. Okay, I have another confession... A's & B's have never really been that important to me until recently. I would do just enough to get by & as long as I got a passing grade I was fine. Not anymore! I know I'm better than that, so I'm focusing all my energy towards these A's!
I definitely believe in God & I consider myself a very spiritual person but I find myself so busy sometimes that Sunday is the only day I have to rest & I skip out on church. This up coming year I plan to go to church more often, regardless of how tired I am. I recognize that I need to go to church & give thanks because I am so very blessed. In addition to going to church more frequently I want to read my Bible everyday, which shouldn't be a problem because I have the Bible on my iPhone & I want to pray more. I just really need to get more in touch with the ONE who makes everything in my life possible.
Being real & honest with myself & others was on my list for 2009 & it's on my list once again for 2010. I've been pretty successful with being real & I feel like it's most important for me to continue to be real with myself because we sometimes feed ourselves lies to put up with certain things or to make ourselves sleep better at night when we know we're doing something wrong. & I know I don't want to be lied to, so I like to be open an honest with everyone around me so there are no misunderstandings & no one is being mislead. Sometimes the truth hurts, but in my opinion lies hurt worse & I like to go by the saying everything you do in the dark will eventually come to the light.
Yes, I have another confession... I think maybe stating these goals for 2010 is making me reveal a little more about myself than I want people to know. LOL! But hey, I'm a work in progress. So, I consider myself to be a very solid, stable & strong indivdual(WOW! Three positive S's), but I'm a softy when it comes to those I love & I don't mean family & friends... I mean as far as my love life. I constantly find myself bending & compromising a lot to salvage relationships & that's so not happening in 2010. If you thought I was a Badd Bitch in '09, you're going to hate me in 2010! LOVE is my weakness, but I've got to stand my ground. I'm no longer a child, I'm a young adult & I have a future that I'm focusing on, so I don't have time for games. I'm going to be an all-around strong minded individual in 2010.
I've already spoke about not complaining about ish you can & cannot control in a previous blog, but it is on the list of 2010 goals. No complaining! If there's something you can do to change your current state, then do it! If not, what's the use in complaining? The last few things on my list for 2010 are to exercise frequently, which goes hand in hand with eating healthy. I really have to get it together because I eat a lot of unnecessary bull shit... for real! I'm going to try my best & cut back on the fast food & only pick one day out of the week to have it.
OMG! I'm about to really start stacking this cake. I've been doing well with saving my money, but anybody that knows me knows that I'm a shopaholic & I'm definitely no cheap bitch, so I've got to cut back. This means I've got to stay out of the mall because if I hit the mall it's a done deal. I live for shoes, clothes & badd ass watches... Can you tell?! LOL! UGH! & this is like my last confession because I'm giving you all too much... Marquise is no chef, so I'm about to step my cooking game up for 2010! I just stated that I had a future to think about & I hope that includes a husband... Come on, I've got to be able to feed the man & myself. LOL! Last but not least I have to put ME first in everything I do & that concludes my goals for 2010.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Posted by marquise.yvette at 5:59 PM 0 comments
It's [BARBIE] Bitch!
Posted by marquise.yvette at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Brilliant Ink

Posted by marquise.yvette at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Fashion At It's Finest!
Posted by marquise.yvette at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
[BEYONCE] I am... Yours, Live In Vegas
Posted by marquise.yvette at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Miss Stress (Mistress)
Just sitting here wondering how I ended up in the situation that I'm in. I find myself going against my morals, things that I believe in & doing things that are so far left from my character. Is this what LOVE causes you to do? Because this role that I'm portraying isn't who I am or who I want to be. But when it comes to him there are no boundaries or limitations to what I'll do for him. How did I manage to fall in love with a man that doesn't belong to me? A man that loves me just as deeply as I love him, but also loves someone else... Miss Stress is what you can call me. Stressing about his phone calls, stressing about his visits, stressing about not knowing the next time I'll be able to see him. Stressing the fact that I love him is so unnecessary though. Him & everyone else knows, but it doesn't change this harsh reality. Legally he belongs to her, but in reality his heart belongs to me.
There is no amount of time or space between us that makes these feelings go away. This blazing fire I feel for him never dies down, it only increases. It doesn't make a difference if we haven't seen eachother or talked to eachother for a whole year, I see him & my heart melts everytime. So how will this rollercoaster ride end? After all the bumps & collisions, he's still hanging on with her. Will I ever become faint & nauseous to the point where I'll finally jump off? I don't know, but I just don't see a happy ending in the future. In no way, shape, or form am I oblivious to the circumstances of the situation, but something keeps me holding on. Maybe it's because I love every aspect of him or the way he treats me or even the way he loves me... But regardless, this cannot play out this way forever. Could there possibly be some type of happy ending?
Posted by marquise.yvette at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Put Up Or Shut Up!
Today as I was skimming through various tweets on my timeline on twitter, I came across one that really hit me. One of Rev Run's many inspiring quotes stated "If you tolerate it, you lose your right to complain about it"... This struck a nerve because in a lot of cases people tend to complain about things that they allow happen to them, including myself. So today, from this day forth, I won't become upset or complain about something that I have the power to change :-) This scenario usually occurs within relationships when one partner is not satisfied with the actions of the other. NEWS FLASH! People will only do to you what you allow them to do. If you're unhappy with your partner or something that they're doing, you have the right to voice your opinion or walk away from the situation. Strength is key! You need the strength to get your point across & then you need the strength to let go if the person isn't willing to compromise for you. But if you continue to be mistreated & do absolutely nothing about it, then you're getting exactly what you deserve!
Either way it goes complaining is really whack if you ask me! Let me put it this way... It makes no sense! You're either complaining about something you can't change or something that you can change. If you can't change something, what's the use in complaining about it? It's a waste of breath. & if you can change it, either make the first step towards change or shut the fuck up & deal with it! This is my early New Years resolution... No more complaining!
Posted by marquise.yvette at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Baddest Bitches In The Game
Women are some of the most precious creatures that walk the planet & very often go unnoticed & are taken for granted. But these females that I'm about to list stand out, they're bold, outspoken, fashion forward & are trendsetters. There's nothing better than an independent, strong, adventurous woman! In my opinion these are the top six baddest bitches in the game today.
The definition of a badd ass rocker chick is P!nk. I've been a P!nk fan since she dropped "There You Go." Her first enitre album was hip-hop, which wasn't a problem with me. But when the next album dropped she had a completely different image & her album was more along the lines of rock. I know she lost a great amount of her fan base because of the drastic change, but I followed right along. I love the new P!nk. She's such a freakin' rebel, she dances to the beat of her own drum & takes shit from no man. You've got to love her!
My new favorite female MC is none other than Nicki Minaj. This chick goes hard over any beat & she's real, raw & uncut. I love her New York accent & her vivacity... She's such a freakin' character! This one right here is the next best thing! I bump all of her mixtapes day & night. I'm just patiently waiting for her to drop an album. I'll be there on the first day to cop that!

Beyonce, Bee, Sasha Fierce, Mrs. Carter, The Baddest Chick in The Game... Whatever you choose to refer to her as, you can't deny her as being one of the greatest entertainers of all time. She is my all time favorite entertainer, in my eyes THEE BADDEST BITCH IN THE GAME. Fierce is exactly right! Miss Girl is a singer, song writer, actress, role model & an all around performer. Beyonce will sell out any arena & tear the house down! She cannot be compared to any other artist, males & females included. I'm just going to leave it at that because no words can do this womans talent justice.
Posted by marquise.yvette at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Wait Is Ova (Rihanna Finally Speaks Out)
I'm pretty sure that everyone in the world
witnessed Rihanna sit down with Diane Sawyer
to talk about the incident that occurred with Chris Brown for the very first time. If you didn't see it, I don't know what rock you live under, but you need to come into the light! LOL! I was pleased with the interview because in the interviews that Chris has done he wouldn't reveal anything about the situation. It was very powerful & moving. I can appreciate her opening up & going into detail about why it happened & how it made her feel. But I must say that even though I love Rihanna to death & I feel terrible about what happened to her, I still feel like she physically provoked him first. Something in me just says that she pushed Chris to his limit before he exploded. But I will say & stand by the fact that no matter what happened or why it happened, it doesn't justify what he did to her. I'm sure it was hard for Rihanna to endure this type of situation in front of the public and have to worry about all the criticism that she would have to face depending on her next move. To overcome this under the magnifying glass of the media takes a very strong person. I commend her for that.
Which brings me to what really bothers me the most. I totally respect Rihanna's decision to put an end to her & Chris' relationship & I do believe that it was the right thing to do, but in some ways I think she put an end to it for the wrong reasons. Her point was valid when she mentioned girls in abusive relationships that look up to her, but come on she's human just like you & I! Who in their right mind does something just because they see a celebrity or a public figure doing it. I don't think Rihanna or any other public figure should put themselves under so much stress trying to live up to everyone else's standards. They should do what's best for them & what makes them happy. Yes, she is indeed a role model, but a human & 21 year old young woman who has feelings & is bound to make mistakes. Anybody who follows behind anybody else's every move & does things just because the next individual does it needs to gain some morals & find a damn brain! Do I forgive Chris? Yes. Do I think what he did was right? Hell no. But in all honesty, I loved seeing these two together & in a not so sure kind of way, I wish that one day they can work it out & get back together again...
Posted by marquise.yvette at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Music To My Ears
Music seems to be coming back. It's been a minute since I really fell in love with a song, music just hasn't really been doing anything for me lately. There were a few songs that were aight, but nothing that caught my ear that I felt like I wanted to listen to over & over again. But now, I'm feeling it again! One of my favorite songs out right now is by Alicia Keys, called "Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart." It's just something about the beat & this new pitch she's singing in. The moment I heard it I was like "oh yes", I knew I was going to love this song. Alicia never fails me, she brings it every time.

Posted by marquise.yvette at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Work, Work & More Work!
During the past couple of weeks I've been swamped with work! I've had several papers & assignments. & on top of that I had a six page paper along with a presentation. I haven't had time to breathe & I've been so stressed out about this presentation. I hate having to speak in front of people! Presentations for school or interviews for a job... I can't stand it. I have been up numerous nights working on this paper & trying to prep myself for this presentation.
The presentation I did was about Whitney Houston & how I looked at her situation with the drugs & the abuse through a public relations perspective. I had to state facts about her "come back" & give my opinion on what I would have done to help her regain her positive image in the public eye. Writing the paper was the easy part for me, it was actually getting up there to present that was the battle for me. A lot of things that I'm afraid of in life I try my best to avoid instead of facing my fears. So something as simple as this presentation shows my growth as a person. Me being able to face & conquer something that I'm terrified of.
So last night I had dreams about my presentation & I was up at the crack of dawn nervous & anxious. I got ready, put on my business attire & I went over the material over & over again. I got to school & it was finally time! I went up in the front of my class to present my case & display my power point... As the first sentence came out of my mouth, my professor told me to calm down & relax. She could tell that I was extremely nervous & uncomfortable. I took a deep breath & continued & throughout the presentation I became more comfortable... She said I did a good job. I'm so glad that I went through with it & it's finally over!
Posted by marquise.yvette at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Who is Marquise?
I'm a Miami girl, an undeniable 80's & Cancer baby with a passion for dance, writing, music & fashion. Anybody that knows me knows that my favorite color is lime green, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I'm a Beyonce freak! I'm a daughter, grand daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, friend, confidant, lover, dreamer, dancer, writer, student & I aspire to one day be a entreprenuer, role model, wife & mother. I'm a work in progress & I believe that growth & change are a beautiful thing! I try to learn something new & conquer different things everyday. I'm constantly trying to learn new things an evolve into a better individual. I am currently a student at Florida Memorial University & my major is Mass Communications. My goal is to one day be a successful journalist & I hope to one day start my own magazine focusing on music & fashion.
Ahhh... The people who have helped mold me into the young woman I am today... My family. Every last one of my family members play a vital role in my life, but the one's who really bend over backwards for me are my two Y's... Yvonne & Yvette, my mother & my auntie. Those are my Super Women! When the rest of the world walks out they're still at my side & they will give me their last to make sure that I don't go without. I love them with everything in me & I thank God for blessing me with the type of family I have!
My BFF! That's exactly what he is! He is & will be my best friend forever! I've known this dude since I was missing teeth! LOL! We've had our share or trials & tribulations, but through it all our friendship stands stronger than ever now! If I can't go to anyone else I know I can go to him for it. Whether I need to vent, to get a good laugh, or a shoulder to cry on... he's there for me & I'm there for him just the same. He is so dedicated to any & everything that he does, a prime example of what a real man is & should be. I love him to death & I don't know what I'd do without him! Thee Bestie! My other best friend & the ONLY female that I put my trust in! She is a wonderful friend & an amazing person! This chick is inspiration straight up! She's so talented, intelligent, & one of the best mothers I know. She juggles 50 million things at once & makes it all look so easy. I feed off of her energy. Our friendship goes far beyond what words can say, but what I can say is that I love this chick & everything that she represents!
& last but not least my RN. AKA The realest Nigga I know! & when I say real, I mean this Dude serves it up raw & I love it! His advice, his out look on people & life has really influenced my way of thinking & the way I go about certain situations. I made up the phrase "GoodGirl Gone BaddBitch" because my whole attitude towards a lot of things are different. I was once this naive, sweet, passive girl & now I'm stronger, wiser, & I don't take anyone's BS & I have to give a lot of the credit to him. Our relationship is one that many people don't understand, but he too is one of my best friends. I can't live with him & I can't live without him!
Posted by marquise.yvette at 11:51 PM 0 comments